Here Comes The Sun!

As I walked down to our neighborhood pool yesterday, I was thinking about how excited I am about enjoying more of the sun and the outdoors this summer. Yes, the sun! In spite of all the messages about how dangerous the sun is, let’s not forget about the benefits of sunshine. Did you know that sunshine;

  1. improves your sleep through improved regulation of circadian rhythms
  2. boosts your mood
  3. supports healthy immune function
  4. enhances calcium absorption, leading to stronger bones
  5. clears up skin conditions
  6. promotes weight loss by regulating appetite
  7. prevents Vitamin D deficiency
  8. reduces aches and pains through enhanced vitamin D levels

That said, we must be smart about our sun exposure. Not too much, not too little, but just right. 15-20 minutes of direct sunshine a day helps your body produce Vitamin D and beyond that you want to apply a clean sunscreen (more below).

There was a time when I didn’t think about ‘too much sun’. Growing up in Iceland with limited number of sunny days, I remember dropping whatever I was doing and running out slathered in tanning oil determined to catch some rays while they lasted. It felt so good. And in the winter, I’d hit the tanning beds. A lot! Ouch, my poor skin.

Now a few years older and wiser and living in a place with a lot more sunshine, I have become much more aware about proper sun protection. After all, the skin is our largest organ and it is so important to protect it.

Although sunscreen is typically the first thought that comes to mind when thinking about protecting yourself against too much sun exposure it’s equally important to wear protective clothing (shirts and hats in particular) to reduce UV ray exposure, find shade when possible, using sunglasses (not as an accessory, but a necessity to protect your eyes), and check your UV Index daily.

In terms of sunscreen protection, here are a few rules for choosing a safe sunscreen (one that is void of toxic ingredients):


  • look for titanium dioxide and zinc oxide based mineral sunscreens, which do not penetrate the skin and provide UVA protection against the sun’s most damaging rays.
  • choose non-nano products that do not have small particles that can absorb into skin.
  • choose sunscreens that are unscented or use essential oils as fragrance.
  • Pick lotion based sunscreens that are labeled “Very Water Resistant”.
  • Choose sunscreen products that are rated “0” to “2” in the Environmental Working Group’s Sunscreen Guide.


  • spray and powder sunscreens
  • sunscreens containing oxybenzone; a known hormone disruptor.

The one problem I have run into with some of the non-toxic sunscreens is that it is usually the thick, greasy, white paste-like consistency and is difficult to apply. My ‘go to’ sunscreen has been Alba Very Emolllient which gets a rating of ‘2’ on EWG. In an effort to step it up a bit, I just ordered Thinksport which is rated the score of ‘1’ and is a very economical choice for natural sunscreen. What is your favorite ‘clean’ sunscreen?

As with most things, the saying ‘everything in moderation’ certainly applies to sunning ourselves. There are so many hidden dangers in our environment that it’s almost impossible to avoid them all. Do your best, make educated choices and then move on and go play in the sun!